"Beyond the Far Side", a 90-minute scientific documentary directed by François-Xavier Vives (France Television, 2022, CPB Films)
"Magellan's Extraordinary Odyssey", a four-part documentary series (4x 52') directed by François de Riberolles (Arte, 2022, Camera lucida productions)
"Sunken Eldorado: The new underwater gold rush", a feature length documentary directed by Denis Delestrac and Didier Martiny (France Television, 2018, Via Découvertes)
"Animal Conversations", a 2x 52' scientific documentary series directed by Jérôme-Cécile Auffret and co-written by Karine Lou Matignon (Arte, 2018, Via Découvertes)
"Horses of the New World", a 52' documentary directed by Marie Brunet-Debaisnes (France 2, 2018, Camera lucida)
"5 Little Pigs", 52 minutes, directed by Emma Baus (France 2, 2017, Nord Ouest Documentaires)
Production and post-production manager for TV documentaries:
"Persona, the film that saved Ingmar Bergman", 52 minutes, directed by Manuelle Blanc (Arte, 2018, Camera lucida productions); production manager and researcher
"Trognes, l'arbre aux mille visages", 52 minutes, directed by Thimothée Janssen (Arte, 2018, Camera lucida productions); production manager
"GMOs: Lies and Truth", a prime time 90-minute scientific documentary directed by Frédéric Castaignède (Arte, 2016, La Compagnie des Taxi Brousse); production manager and researcher
"Tree Stories (Season 1: in Europe)", a five-part documentary series (5x 52 minutes and 5x 43 minutes) directed by Henri de Gerlache, Christophe d'Yvoire and Yannick Cherel (Arte, 2015, Camera lucida productions); researcher and production manager
"MOON", a prime time 90-minute documentary written and directed by François de Riberolles (Planète+, 2015, Camera lucida productions), production assistant
"Secrets of the Moon", two scientific documentaries directed by Alexander Abela (Planète+, 2015, Camera lucida productions); production assistant
"Methane: Dream or Nightmare?", 90 minutes, directed by Luc Riolon, Rachel Seddoh et Pascal Cuissot (Arte, 2015, Camera lucida productions); production assistant