"Father Time", a scientific documentary (52') directed by Jacqueline Farmer (ARTE, in development for 2024, Tangerine Productions and Ouragan Films)
"Decoding Animal Cultures", a three-part documentary series (3x52' and 3x43') co-directed by Hervé Glabeck (ARTE, in production for 2024, DocLand Yard)
"Sisters in arms", a 70-minute film, directed by Henri de Gerlache (ARTE, 2022, Le Cinquième Rêve)
"Into Farm Animals' Mind", a three-part documentary series (3x 52' and 3x 43') directed by Hervé Glabeck and Samuel Guiton (ARTE, 2021, Camera lucida productions)
"Tree Stories (Season 2: throughout the World)", a five-part documentary series (5x 52 minutes and 5x 43 minutes) directed by Henri de Gerlache, Christophe d'Yvoire and Yannick Cherel (Arte, 2017, Camera lucida productions)
Editorial development, research and scripting immersive experiences for Museums: - "Sensory Odyssey", the sensory immersive experience featured in the Paris National Museum of Natural History between October 2021 and July 2022
Extensive research for documentaries in France and abroad: stories, key contacts, scientists, locations, archival material, potential partners and resources to organize filmings
Editorial development and writing of documentary project presentations including pitches, detailed synopsis, intentions and treatments on different themes and topics (nature, discovery, animals, environment, social subjects...)